

Suprise suprise: it will not be like a daily diary, but when something special happens in my life, I will share it. Or even when its not special but I feel like writing it off my chest, youll get it.

Maybe I will share my day with you. Maybe a situation that bothered me during my day. Maybe my feelings. Maybe I will talk about a person. Who knows? I dont.

I will handle it like a diary. Well duh, but I will share what I want, what I feel like sharing. And I dont care if its something special or not. If its funny or not. If its sad or not. There will be texts who are interesting to read for you, cause maybe you can relate or you feel the same, or felt the same. And there will be texts who are boring to you, cause you just dont care.

If it is on this page, I wanted to share this with you. And this goes for everything. My daily life, my feelings, stuff I do for church. But, if there is something I dont want to share, I dont.

I think, you will get a pretty good picture of me, my life. You will probably know me better than my family members will ever do. It is strange, but I dont share THIS kind of information with my family. They dont know how I feel about things. They dont know how I would react to things. So you have the privilege to get to know the real me.

November 2016, binabina